The online interactive magazine of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

Latest from AI Magazine


Winter 2024
Vol. 45, Issue 4

Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
A special issue covering select applications from IAAI-23
pg. 352

A Survey of Consumer Health Question Answering Systems
The latest advancements, achievements, and recommendations for improvement
pgs. 482

The Impact of Decision Differences between Experts
A commentary on Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment, by Kahneman, Sibony, and Sunstein (2021)
pg. 555

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The Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2021): A Report

Juan Carlos Augusto, Philippe Lalanda, Massimo Mecella

Intelligent Environments are populated with numerous devices and have multiple occupants, inherently exhibit increasingly intelligent behaviour, support consistent functionality and human-centric operation (humans, as opposed to mere users, have increased requirements from a system, including, for example, intuitive interaction, protection of privacy, fault-tolerance etc.), and provide optimized resource usage. The development of Intelligent Environments is considered the first and primary step towards the realization of the Ambient Intelligence vision and requires input from research and contributions from several scientific and engineering disciplines, including computer science, software engineering, artificial intelligence, architecture, social sciences, art and design. The series of IE conferences have been consistently creating a unique blend of researchers in these disciplines, fostering cross-disciplinary discussions, debate and collaborations.

Reports of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s 15th International Conference on Web and Social Media

Karl Aberer, Ebrahim Bagheri, Marya Bazzi, Rumi Chunara, Ziv Epstein, Fabian Flöck, Adriana Iamnitchi, Diana Inkpen, Maurice Jakesch, Kyraki Kalimeri, Elena Kochkina, Ugur Kursuncu, Maria Liakata, Yelena Mejova, George Mohler, Daniela Paolotti, Jérémie Rappaz, Manon Revel, Horacio Saggion, Indira Sen, Panayiotis Smeros, Katrin Weller, Sanjaya Wijeratne, Christopher C. Yang, Fattane Zarrinkalam

The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s 2021 International Conference on Web and Social Media was held virtually from June 8-10, 2021. There were 8 workshops in the program: Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable, Emoji 2021: International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media, Information Credibility and Alternative Realities in Troubled Democracies, International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc 2021), International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens 2021): Special Edition on Information Operations on Social Media, Participatory Development of Quality Guidelines for Social Media Research: A Structured, Hands-on Design Workshop, Mediate 2021: News Media and Computational Journalism, Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks: Special Edition on Healthcare Social Analytics.

Reports of the Workshops Held at the 2021 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

The Workshop Program of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s Thirty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence was held virtually from February 8-9, 2021. There were twenty-six workshops in the program. This report contains summaries of the workshops, which were submitted by most, but not all the workshop chairs.

Bridging Case-Based Reasoning, DL and XAI at the First Virtual ICCBR Conference (ICCBR2020)

Ian Watson, Rosina O Weber, David Leake

Case-based reasoning is reasoning from experience, solving new problems and interpreting new situations by retrieving and adapting prior cases. The Twenty-Eight International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR2020) was held from June 8-12, 2020, with program chairs Ian Watson and Rosina Weber.  The conference was originally scheduled for Salamanca, Spain, a World Heritage site, under the auspices of local chair Juan Manuel Corchado and the University of Salamanca.   Its theme, “CBR Across Bridges”, reflected the goal of bringing together researchers and practitioners with relevant work across various AI areas.   Before the conference, the pandemic struck, with tragic effects.   The conference chairs resolved to continue with a safe alternative: the first virtual ICCBR.   With researchers unable to travel, the virtual conference not only bridged AI areas but geographic ones:  141 conference attendees participated from 23 countries. 


AI experts answer your questions! See all of our AMAs. Your questions will be submitted to these guests and a video will be recorded with their answers and posted on the Interactive AI Magazine and in the weekly AI Alert.

Ask your questions to Dr. Myers here!

For our fifth AMA, we have Karen Myers, Ph.D. Dr. Myers is the Lab Director for SRI International’s Artificial Intelligence Center.

Dr. Myers’ research focuses on intelligent systems that facilitate man-machine collaboration. Her expertise includes autonomy, multi-agent systems, automated planning and scheduling, and intelligent assistants. She has led the development of several AI technologies that have been successfully transitioned into operational use in areas that span collaboration tools, task management, and end-user automation.

Dr. Myers has served on the Executive Council for the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). She was on the editorial boards for Artificial Intelligence and the Journal for AI Research and the advisory board for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. She is the conference chair for the Innovative Applications of AI conference for 2019. She was elected SRI Fellow in 2016.

Myers has a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University, a B.Sc. in mathematics and computer science from the University of Toronto, and a degree in piano performance from the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Ask your questions to Dr. Myers here!